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Английский язык: профессиональная сфера коммуникации

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Артикул: 814745.01.99
Приведены проблемные и ролевые задания, приближенные к реальным ситуациям межкультурного делового общения. Использованы материалы интернет-ресурсов и специализированных журналов. Пособие направлено на формирование и развитие иноязычной профессиональной коммуникативной компетентности. Предназначено для бакалавров, обучающихся по направлению 41.03.05 «Международные отношения», профиль «Международные отношения и внешняя политика».
Дзись, Ю. И. Английский язык: профессиональная сфера коммуникации : учебное пособие / Ю. И. Дзись, С. Г. Селихова, Н. А. Сидорова. - Красноярск : Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023. - 168 с. - ISBN 978-5-7638-4592-1. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/2093498 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.

Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации 

Сибирский федеральный университет

Ю. И. Дзись

С. Г. Селихова
Н. А. Сидорова




Учебное пособие





Р е ц е н з е н т ы:
А. В. Коршунова, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры 
английского языка Красноярского государственного педагогического 
университета им. В. П. Астафьева;
Т. Ю. Сидорова, кандидат юридических наук, заведующая кафедрой 
международного права Сибирского федерального университета

Дзись, Ю. И. 

Английский язык: профессиональная сфера коммуникации :  
учеб. пособие / Ю. И. Дзись, С. Г. Селихова, Н. А. Сидорова. – Красноярск : 
Сиб. федер. ун-т, 2023. – 168 с.

ISBN 978-5-7638-4592-1

Приведены проблемные и ролевые задания, приближенные к реальным 
ситуациям межкультурного делового общения. Использованы 
материалы интернет-ресурсов и специализированных журналов. 
Пособие направлено на формирование и развитие иноязычной 
профессиональной коммуникативной компетентности. 

Предназначено для бакалавров, обучающихся по направлению 
41.03.05 «Международные отношения», профиль «Международные 
отношения и внешняя политика». 

Электронный вариант издания см.: 
УДК 811.111(07)

ББК    81.432.1я73

ISBN 978-5-7638-4592-1 
          © Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023


ВВЕДЕНИЕ ........................................................................................................................... 4

Unit 1. Diplomatic relations .........................................................................................5
Unit 2. Visits......................................................................................................................... 20
Unit 3. Meetings and exchange of views .........................................................39
Unit 4. Talks and negotiations ............................................................................... 68
Unit 5. Treaties and agreements .......................................................................... 96
Unit 6. National interests ...........................................................................................114
Unit 7. Conflict management ................................................................................ 129

Appendix 1. Letter of Complaint ...........................................................................141
Appendix 2. Letter of request ................................................................................143
Appendix 3. Letter of information request ...................................................147
Appendix 4. Letter response to information request ...........................149
Appendix 5. Application letter .............................................................................. 151
Appendix 6. Invitation letter ...................................................................................153
Appendix 7. Thank-you letter................................................................................. 155
Appendix 8. Letter of Apology .............................................................................. 157
Appendix 9. Recommendation letter .............................................................. 159
Appendix 10. Condolence/sympathy letter ...................................................161
Appendix 11. Letter of reminder ...........................................................................163
Appendix 12. Bad news announcement ........................................................164

СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННЫХ ИСТОЧНИКОВ ....................................166


Цель учебного пособия – обеспечить комплексное овладение лингвистическими (
грамматика, лексика), социолингвистическими (стилистическая 
вариативность, вежливость, тактичность, навык сотрудничества), прагматическими (
структурирование как устной, так и письменной речи), а также рядом 
профессиональных коммуникативных компетенций (реферирование, 
перевод, презентация, деловая документация) в деловых ситуациях межкультурного 
общения в соответствии с уровнем B2/B2+ общеевропейского 

Применен компетентностный подход, в соответствии с которым результаты 
обучения оцениваются с точки зрения приобретения студентами общекультурных, 
общепрофессиональных и профессиональных компетенций, 
предусмотренных образовательным стандартом. В учебном пособии приведены 
проблемные и ролевые задания, приближенные к реальным ситуациям 
межкультурного делового общения. Использованы материалы интернет-
ресурсов и специализированных журналов.

Учебное пособие «Английский язык: профессиональная сфера коммуникации» 
предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлению 41.03.05 
«Международные отношения», профиль «Международные отношения 
и внешняя политика».

Unit 1


Comment on the following quote: “Diplomacy is the velvet glove that 
cloaks the fist of power” (Robin Hobb).


2. Answer the questions. 

1. What do you know about history of diplomacy?
2. What is the main goal of diplomacy?

3. Read the following text and do the tasks below.

Diplomacy is an essentially political activity and, well-resourced and skilful, a major 
ingredient of power. Its chief purpose is to enable states to secure the objectives 
of their foreign policies without resort to force, propaganda, or law. It follows that 
diplomacy consists of communication between officials designed to promote 
foreign policy either by formal agreement or tacit adjustment. Although it also 
includes such discrete activities as gathering information, clarifying intentions, 
and engendering goodwill, it is thus not surprising that, until the label “diplomacy” 
was affixed to all of these activities by the British parliamentarian Edmund Burke 
in 1796, it was known most commonly as “negotiation” by Cardinal Richelieu, the 
first minister of Louis XIII, as negociation continuelle. Diplomacy is not merely 
what professional diplomatic agents do. It is carried out by other officials and by 
private persons under the direction of officials. 

As we shall see, it is also carried out through many different channels besides 
the traditional resident mission. Together with the balance of power, which it 
both reflects and reinforces, diplomacy is the most important institution of our 
society of states. Diplomacy in its modern form has its immediate origins in 
the Italian peninsula in the late fifteenth century AD. Nevertheless, its remote 

B E F O R E   Y O U   R E A D

origins are to be found in the relations between the “Great Kings” of the Near 
East in the second, or possibly even in the late fourth, millennium BCE (Liverani: 
introduction; Cohen and Westbrook: 1–12). 

Its main features in these centuries were the dependence of communications 
on messengers and merchant caravans, of diplomatic immunity on ordinary 
codes of hospitality, and of treaty observance on terror of the gods under whose 
gaze they were confirmed. However, although apparently adequate to the times, 
diplomacy during these centuries remained rudimentary. In the main, this would 
seem to be because it was not called on very often and because communications 
were slow, laborious, unpredictable, and insecure. In the Greek city state system 
of the fourth and fifth centuries BC, however, conditions both demanded and 
favoured a more sophisticated diplomacy. Diplomatic immunity, even of the 
herald in war, became a more entrenched norm, and resident missions began 
to emerge, although employing a local citizen. Such a person was known as a 
proxenos. In medieval Europe, the development of diplomacy was led first by 
Byzantium (the eastern Roman Empire) and then, especially, by Venice, which 
set new standards of honesty and technical proficiency. 

However, diplomacy remained chiefly in the hands of special envoys, limited by 
time and task. It was in the Italian city states system in the late fifteenth century, 
when conditions were especially favourable to the further development of 
diplomacy, that the recognizably modern system first made its appearance. The 
hyper-insecurity of the rich but poorly defended Italian states induced by the 
repeated invasions of their peninsula by the ultramontane powers after 1494, 
made essential a diplomacy that was both continuous and conducted with less 
fanfare. Fortunately, no barriers were presented by language or religion and, 
although communications still depended on horsed messengers, the relatively 
short distances between city states made this less important. 

It is not surprising, therefore, that it was this period that saw the birth of the 
genuine resident embassy; that is to say, a resident mission headed by a citizen of 
the prince or republic whose interests it served. This Italian system, the spirit and 
methods of which are captured so well in the despatches of Niccolo Machiavelli, 
evolved shortly into the French system that, in the middle of the twentieth 
century, was praised so highly by the British scholar-diplomat, Harold Nicolson 
(Nicolson, 1954). This was the first fully-developed system of diplomacy and the 
basis of the modern – essentially bilateral – system (see Chapter 7). In the early 
twentieth century, the French system was modified but not, as some hoped 
and others feared, transformed. The ‘open diplomacy’ of ad hoc and permanent 

conferences (notably the League of Nations) was simply grafted onto the existing 
network of bilateral communications. 

As for the anti-diplomacy of the Communist regimes in Soviet Russia and 
subsequently in China, this was relatively short-lived. Why did diplomacy survive 
these assaults and continue to develop to such a degree and in such an inventive 
manner that, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, we can speak with 
some confidence of a world diplomatic system of unprecedented strength? The 
reason is that the conditions that first encouraged the development of diplomacy 
have, for some decades, obtained perhaps more fully than ever before. These are 
a balance of power between a plurality of states, mutually impinging interests 
of an unusually urgent kind, efficient and secure international communication, 
and relative cultural toleration – the rise of radical Islam notwithstanding. 

As already noted, diplomacy is an important means by which states pursue 
their foreign policies, and these policies are still framed in significant degree in 
many states in a ministry of foreign affairs. Such ministries also have the major 
responsibility for a state’s diplomats serving abroad and for dealing (formally, at 
any rate) with foreign diplomats at home. 

4. Comprehension questions. 

1. How does the author define diplomacy?
2. “Diplomacy is not merely what professional diplomatic agents do”. What 
does the author mean?
3. What does the text say about the origins of diplomacy?
4. What can you say about the developments of diplomacy?

5. Discussion point.

1. What are differences between the old and new diplomacy?
2. Is diplomacy important for the new international environment?

6. Summarize the main ideas of the text. 

A F T E R   Y O U   R E A D


What is a Summary? 

A summary is a brief overview of a text. You give the central idea, but leave out all the details, examples 
and formalities. Summarising is aimed at reducing or condensing a text to its most important ideas.

How to Summarise? 

Read the text and make notes of its main ideas and key points, leaving out supporting 
arguments, examples etc. 

Look at how the information is structured. Read between the lines and try to understand 
the tone of the author to be able to comprehend the original text and make it easier for your 
reader to understand. 

In an introductory sentence you should give a frame, including the title of the text, the date of 
publication, the publisher and the name of the author. Don’t forget to use a reporting verb to 
introduce the main idea. The reporting verb is generally given in present tense. Examples of 
frames: In the text (article) … (title, date, source) … (author’s name) suggests / states / reports /  
maintains / argues / explains / claims / discusses / illustrates / observes / argues against / 
recommends / contends that… 

Then it is important to describe the text as a whole bringing out the central idea (or the theme) 
of the text. Remember that the theme of the text is usually given in the subtitle or in the last 
sentence of the introductory paragraph of the original text. 

Writing a summary try to remain neutral and impartial in tone. Remember that a summary 
should not contain opinions, your background knowledge, or personal information; it should 
be entirely text based. 

It is very important to paraphrase the original wording. 

Pay particular attention to paragraphing. Discuss each point supporting the central idea in a 
separate paragraph. Introduce it in the first sentence (topic sentence) of every paragraph. 

Support your topic sentence with the necessary arguments or reasons given by the author 
but omit all references to details, such as dates, quotes or statistics.

Remind your reader that you are paraphrasing the original text by using “reminder phrases”, 
such as The author begins with…, He goes on to say that…, The article (author) further states, 
also states … that… 

Try to be logical and watch out for any points in the summary, which are confusing. Use 
transitional phrases (linking phrases) that reflect the organization and main idea of the 
original (for example cause-effect, comparison-contrast, classification, chronological order, 
persuasive argument, etc). 

Restate the article’s conclusion in one sentence. 

Remember that a summary is usually about 1/3 of the original length of a text (article). 

above all – прежде всего
accordingly – соответственно
admittedly – правда, по общему признанию
after all – ведь; как-никак; не стоит забывать, 
что; к тому же; все-таки
afterwards – впоследствии, потом, позже
all in all – в итоге, в целом, в конечном счете
all things considered – принимая все во внимание
along with – одновременно с, вместе с, равно 
как и
alternatively – в качестве альтернативы, как вариант, 
кроме того
anyhow – так или иначе, во всяком случае, как 
бы то ни было
apart from – кроме, исключая, наряду, не говоря 
о, оставляя в стороне
as a consequence – в результате, соответственно, 
и как следствие, вследствие
as a general rule – как правило, обычно, в общем 
и целом
as a matter of fact – в действительности, фактически

as a result (of) – в результате
as can be expected – как можно ожидать
as follows – следующим образом, следующее
as opposed to – вместо того, чтобы; в отличие 
от; в противовес; по сравнению с
as was previously stated – как уже отмечалось 
as well (as) – так же (как), а также
at this point – на данный момент, на этой стадии, 
на этом месте, пока что
both … and… – и … и…; как…, так и…; и к тому же
briefly – короче говоря
by comparison – для сравнения, в то время как, 
consequently – следовательно
considering – принимая во внимание; если 
учесть, что; с учетом
conversely – наоборот
correspondingly – соответственно
despite the fact that – несмотря на тот факт, что
due to / due to the fact that – согласно; согласно 
тому, что
eventually – в конце концов, в конечном счете, 
в итоге, со временем
except – за вычетом, за исключением, кроме 
как, не говоря о, помимо
finally – в конце концов, в конечном счете
further – кроме того, далее

furthermore – к тому же, также, еще, к тому же 
кроме того
generally – как правило, обычно, вообще
hence – таким образом, исходя из этого, следовательно

in a nutshell – кратко, в двух словах
in addition (to) – кроме того, вдобавок, к тому же
in brief / in short – коротко, одним словом, короче 
in conclusion – в заключение, в завершение, 
напоследок, подводя итоги
in contrast – в отличие от, для сравнения, напротив

in other words – другими словами, иначе говоря
in spite of the fact (that) – несмотря на; несмотря 
на тот факт, что
in the end – в конце концов
irrespective of – независимо от (того, что)
let alone – не говоря уж; не учитывая; не считая 
того, что
likewise – так же, таким же образом, то же самое
moreover – кроме того, более того, сверх того, 
к тому же, мало того
namely – а именно
nevertheless – все-таки, тем не менее
not to mention – не говоря уже о
now and then – время от времени, иногда
otherwise – без этого, в противном случае,  
в ином случае, иначе
overall – в целом
owing to / owing to the fact that – благодаря; 
благодаря тому, что
particularly / in particular – особенно, в особенности, 
в частности
prior to – до, перед, раньше, прежде
provided that – при условии, что; при условии, 
since – так как, поскольку
so as (+ to – infinitive) – для того, чтобы; с тем, 
so as not to – чтобы не
taking everything into account – принимая 
все во внимание
that is / i.e. (id est) – то есть
to begin with – для начала, прежде всего
to conclude – чтобы сделать вывод, наконец, 
в заключение
to illustrate – для иллюстрации, для примера
under these circumstances – при таких обстоятельствах


Russia Today. The weekly. Anti-WikiLeaks crusade: US accuses Assange of 
‘conspiring with Anonymous’ hackers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= 

7. Discuss these questions with a partner.

1. What do you know about WikiLeaks?
2. What’s your position on the latest developments surrounding Julian 
Assange and his arrest?

8. Study the following words and word combinations. 

экстрадиция, выдача преступника

ничем не подкрепленное, голословное заявление (утверждение)

Department of Justice Министерство юстиции (в США)

to accuse

to gain access
получать доступ

to recruit
вербовать, набирать (новобранцев, членов организации)

classified information секретная информация

indictment (spelling!)
обвинение, предъявление обвинения

якобы, как утверждают, как будто

to conspire
тайно замышлять, устраивать заговор

осужденный, изобличенный 

smear campaign
клеветническая кампания, кампания по очернению кого-либо

плохое обращение

пытка, истязание

арест, заключение

упорный, непреклонный, неослабевающий


grave threat
серьезный, тяжелый

to pose a threat
представлять угрозу

to supersede
заменить собой, сменить, отменить 

заслуживающий освещения в печати, интересный, важный

to charge
обвинять, предъявлять обвинение

to violate

to expose
разоблачать, выставлять на публичное обозрение

war crime
военное преступление

to commit a crime 
совершать преступление

to impede
препятствовать, мешать, затруднять, задерживать

to issue
выпустить, издать, опубликовать

9. Watch the video and answer the questions.

1. What is the essence of the fresh allegations made against Julian Assange?
2. Which groups was Julian Assange allegedly connected with?
3. Has the US already revealed the new indictment?
4. Where is Julian Assange situated now?
5. Why were the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq mentioned?
6. How many years might Julian Assange spend in prison if convicted in America?
7. What are the campaigners’ opinions regarding this issue?
8. Where did Julian Assange use to seek political asylum before April 2019? 
For how long had he been there?
9. What do Julian Assange’s representatives argue of?
10. How has Julian Assange’s lawyer commented on the recent situation?
11. In the context of what was the Red Notice issued?

10. How far do you agree with the following quote?

“Give a person a mask and he will tell you the truth”, – Julian Assange, the 
WikiLeaks founder.


11. Revise the names of the countries and their capitals and complete the 

table below.


The Netherlands














