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Управление персоналом в контексте глобализации (тематическое исследование транспортного сектора) = Personnel Management in the Context of Globalization (Transport Sector Case-Study)

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В монографии представлены теоретические и методологические основы кадровой политики государства и организации (на примере транспортных предприятий). Подробно изучены проблемы кадровой политики на транспортных предприятиях, выделены приоритетные направления кадровой политики на транспорте. Для научных работников, специалистов в области кадрового менеджмента, а также студентов и магистрантов, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки «Менеджмент» и «Управление персоналом».
Данилина, Е. И. Управление персоналом в контексте глобализации (тематическое исследование транспортного сектора) = Personnel Management in the Context of Globalization (Transport Sector Case-Study) : монография / Е. И. Данилина, Я. И. Маликова, Д. В. Горелов. - Москва : Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°», 2023. - 106 с. - ISBN 978-5-394-05302-3. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/2041755 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Е.И. Данилина, Я.И. Маликова, Д.В. Горелов




На английском языке

Москва Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°» 2023

E.I. Danilina, Ya.I. Malikova, D.V. Gorelov




Moscow Publishing and Trading Corporation "Dashkov & Co." 2023

УДК 005.95/.96:656
ББК 65.291.6-21:39

     Герасимова Лариса Николаевна — доктор экономических наук, профессор Российского экономического университета им. Г.В. Плеханова;
     Борисова Ирина Сергеевна — доктор экономических наук, доцент Института образовательныхтехнологий и гуманитарныхнаук (Москва)

     Текст переведен на английский язык Александром Розановым.

     Данилина, Елена Ивановна.

Д18 Управление персоналом в контексте глобализации (тематическое исследование транспортного сектора) = Personnel Management in the Context of Globalization (Transport Sector Case-Study) : монография : на англ. яз. / Е.И. Данилина, Я.И. Маликова, Д.В. Горелов. — Москва : Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°», 2023. — 106 с.
        ISBN 978-5-394-05302-3.
        В монографии представлены теоретические и методологические основы кадровой политики государства и организации (на примере транспортных предприятий). Подробно изучены проблемы кадровой политики на транспортных предприятиях, выделены приоритетные направления кадровой политики на транспорте.
        Для научных работников, специалистов в области кадрового менеджмента, а также студентов и магистрантов, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки «Менеджмент» и «Управление персоналом».

ISBN 978-5-394-05302-3

                                © Данилина Е.И., Маликова Я.И., Горелов Д.В., 2023
© ООО «ИТК «Дашков и К°», 2023

UDC 005.95/.96:656

     Larisa N. Gerasimova, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow)
     Irina S. Borisova, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor at the Institute of Educational Technologies and Humanities (Moscow).

The text is translated to English by Alexander Rozanov.

     Danilina, E.I.
         Personnel Management in the Context of Globalization (Transport Sector Case-Study) : monograph : in English / E.I. Danilina, Ya.I. Malikova, D.V. Gorelov. — Moscow : Publishing and Trading Corporation "Dashkov & Co.", 2023. — 106 p.
         ISBN 978-5-394-05302-3.
         The monograph presents the theoretical and methodological foundations of the personnel policy of the state and organization (on the example of transport enterprises). The problems of personnel policy at transport enterprises are studied in detail, priority areas of personnel policy in transport are highlighted.
         For researchers, specialists in the field of personnel management, as well as students and undergraduates studying in the areas of training "Management" and "Personnel Management".

Copyright© Danilina E.I., Malikova Ya.I., Gorelov D.V., 2023
Copyright© Publishing and Trading Corporation "Dashkov & Co.", 2023


Chapter 1. CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN PERSONNEL POLICY.........................................9
   1.1. The content and types of personnel policy at enterprises.......................................9
   1.2. Goals, objectives and mechanisms for the implementation of personnel policy in the transport industry...........................21
   1.3. The main areas of personnel work in transport companies...........................................34
Chapter 2. PROBLEMS OF PERSONNEL POLICY AT TRANSPORT ENTERPRISES................................49
   2.1. Personnel issues in railway transport...........49
   2.2. Personnel issues of air transport enterprises...63
   2.3. Staffing issues in the road transport and urban land electric transport sectors..........................72
Chapter 3. PRIORITY AREAS OF PERSONNEL POLICY IN TRANSPORT.............................................79
   3.1. Improvement of the personnel training system for the transport industry...........................79
   3.2. Improving the system of motivation of transport industry workers....................................86
3.3. Improving working and resting conditions for transport industry workers.......................91



     The most important characteristic of modern society is the significant changes in the thinking of the labor force and the behavior of the labor market. Driven by the acceleration of connectivity and cognitive technologies, the nature of jobs is changing. As artificial intelligence systems become more complex, an "augmented workforce" is being created, and as this trend picks up pace, companies must rethink how they design jobs, organize work, and plan for future growth.
     A key factor in creating an enabling environment for business growth is the quality and adaptability of the workforce. As many organizations prepare for the retirement of the Baby Boomer generation and struggle to retain the best talent in a competitive industry, the need to develop effective recruitment and retention practices is becoming a top priority.
     The ongoing changes necessitate the development of new rules for people working in companies and the introduction of new approaches to organizing, motivating, managing and attracting the workforce of the 21st century. In order to quickly respond to the increasing demands on the professional skills of employees, enterprises need a flexible personnel policy that can ensure the contribution of investments in the development of human resources.
     In this book, an attempt is made to create a theoretically substantiated and practically valuable tool for personnel management and the development of personnel policy, taking into


account current trends in the development of the transport industry.
     The work consists of three chapters, each of which is devoted to important issues of personnel policy.
     The first chapter reveals the conceptual foundations of modern personnel policy, on which the rest of this study is based. It highlights theoretical issues and evolutionary trends in the development of human resource management as a discipline and profession, and also reveals the typology, goals and principles of personnel policy, and identifies key areas of personnel work.
     The second chapter is devoted to the study of topical issues of personnel management in certain sectors of the transport industry.
     The third chapter presents the priority areas of personnel work of transport companies, including the development of measures to improve the systems of personnel training, motivation, as well as improve working conditions and recreation for workers in the transport industry.
     It should be especially noted that each chapter reflects the specifics of personnel work and the problems of human resource management at the enterprises of the transport industry.
     The presented results can be useful for understanding the theory and concepts of personnel management, and they can also be used in the development of personnel policy at transport enterprises.



    1.1. The content and types of personnel policy at enterprises

     The performance of individual organizations and the economy as a whole largely depends on the quality of human resources. Proper human resource management allows an organization to increase productivity, strengthen its reputation, and ensure the financial and intellectual growth of the company.
     The timeline of the evolution of human resource management as it exists today can be broken down into several periods:
  -  19th century — "personnel management". The growth of industrial production led to a labor shortage. In search of a solution to the problem, scientific ideas began to be applied aimed at increasing labor productivity, in particular, the scientific theory of management by F. Taylor, associated with personnel management.
  -  20th century — "human resource management". E. Hawthorne's research refuted Taylor's scientific approach to performance management and showed that the main factors of motivation and performance are not monetary factors. Based on this behavioral perspective, many new theories have emerged, and the term "human resource management" has come into common use.


   -  21st century — "Strategic Human Resource Management" and "Human Capital Management". The growth of technology and knowledge-intensive industries intensifies global competition. As a consequence, many companies have adopted the strategic practice of human resource management to have a long-term impact on corporate success and refer to their activities as human capital management.
      The transport industry is of key importance for the efficient operation of the economy and contributes to the solution of a number of national tasks related to improving the quality of life of the population. A reliable guarantee of successful solution of the whole range of tasks facing the transport industry is the quality of personnel.
      Improving the quality of the staff by attracting qualified, talented and motivated employees is an important part of personnel management. Personnel management is a personnel management function, and is often used as a synonym for the concept of "human resource management".
      In modern scientific literature there is no standard definition of the term "personnel management": some authors define it in terms of the functions performed¹,²,³, others — in terms of a —
¹ Balashov A.P. Fundamentals of control theory. Moscow: Vuzovsky textbook, 2015. 280 p.
² Edwin B. Flippo. Personnel management. McGraw-Hill, 1984. 601 p.
³ Durakova I.B. Personnel Management. Textbook / I.B. Durakova, L.P. Volkova, S.M. Taltynovand others. Moscow: INFRA-M, 2016. 569 p.


  systematic approach to personnel management⁴'⁵'⁶'⁷, and the third — in terms of human relations⁸'⁹'¹⁰.
      In this study' personnel management is understood as a set of measures that will allow employees to maximize their internal abilities and provide the enterprise of which they are a part of a defining competitive advantage and optimal results.
      A consistent approach to personnel management is implemented through an effective personnel policy. Since there is no single algorithm for interaction between the employer and employees and each company develops its own version' there is no clearly established typology of personnel policy.
      The characteristic features of personnel policy in the transport complex are determined by industry specifics:
   -  High social significance of the industry;
   -     More than half of the workers are employed at enterprises of state and municipal forms of ownership; —
⁴ Kibanov A. Ya. Organizational personnel management: textbook / ed. A.Ya. Kibanova. 4th ed.' add. and reworked. M.: INFRA-M' 2020. 695 p.
⁵ BazarovT.Yu. Personnel Management. M.: Academy' 2020. 320 p.
⁶ Egorshin A.P. Fundamentals of personnel management. M.: Infra-M' 2015. 352 p.
⁷ Odegov' Yu.G. Personnel management: textbook and workshop for academic undergraduate students / Yu.G. Odegov' G.G. Rudenko. Moscow: Yurayt' 2018. 466 p.
⁸ Brech Edward Franz Leopold. Principle and Practice of Management. Longman' 1975' 1081 p.
⁹ Vesnin' V.R. Human resource management: theory and practice: textbook / V.R. Vesnin. Moscow: Prospekt' 2017. 688 p.
¹⁰ Chulanova O.L. Competence approach in personnel management: textbook / O.L. Chulanov. M.: INFRA-M' 2020. 368 p.


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