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Веселые истории Флауэр. Flower’s Funny Stories

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Учебное пособие предназначено для дополнительного чтения на английском языке для детей начальных классов, а также их родителей. Эту книгу могут использовать и учителя как дополнение к основной программе. Занимательные рассказы про животных сопровождаются упражнениями, благодаря которым происходит закрепление изученного материала. В книге применен метод повторения новых слов, в результате чего они запоминаются без усилий. Издание красочно иллюстрировано.
Семенова, Е. М. Веселые истории Флауэр. Flower’s Funny Stories : книга для чтения : учебное пособие / Е. М. Семенова. - 2-е изд., стер. - Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2018. - 84 с. - ISBN 978-5-9765-3776-7. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1862260 (дата обращения: 21.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Елена Семенова



Книга для чтения 
для 2-3 классов

Издательство «ФЛИНТА»

2-е издание, стереотипное

УДК 811.111(076.6)
ББК  81.432.1я71

Иллюстрации: дизайн-студия Юлии Хрущевой

Семенова Е.М.
С50    Веселые истории Флауэр. Flower’s Funny Stories [Электронный 

ресурс]  : книга для чтения / Е.М. Семенова. — 2-е изд., стер. — 
М. : ФЛИНТА, 2018. — 84 с. : ил.

ISBN 978-5-9765-3776-7

Учебное пособие предназначено для дополнительного 
чтения на английском языке для детей начальных классов, а 
также их родителей. Эту книгу могут использовать и учителя 
как дополнение к основной программе. Занимательные 
рассказы про животных сопровождаются упражнениями, 
благодаря которым происходит закрепление изученного 
материала. В книге применен метод повторения новых слов, 
в результате чего они запоминаются без усилий. Издание 
красочно иллюстрировано.

УДК 811.111(076.6)
ББК  81.432.1я71

ISBN 978-5-9765-3776-7         © Семенова Е.М., 2018
© Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2018

I. A clever bug

Hello! I am a white cat. My name is Flower. I have 
got blue eyes, small ears, a funny pink nose and a long 
tail. I like milk and fish. I live in a big house. There 
is a kitchen, a living room, three bedrooms and two 
bathrooms in the house. There is a forest next to the 
I live with a family. This family is very nice. There is 
a mother, a father, a sister and a little brother. Mother 
is in the kitchen. She has got blonde hair. She wears a 
white shirt and a red skirt. 
Father is in the living room. He is tall and strong. 
He wears brown trousers and a green T-shirt. 
The sister’s name is Lucy. She is in the bedroom. 
Lucy is ten. She goes to school. She has got a nice pink 
bag. There are five books, two pencils, three pens, one 
ruler and two rubbers in Lucy’s bag. She wears a blue 
dress, grey socks and white shoes.
The brother’s name is Tom. He is six. He likes football 
and computer games. He wears a white T-shirt, purple 
trousers and brown shoes. He is in the garage. He has 
got a bike. He can ride his bike very well.
I have got a friend. He is a puppy. The puppy’s name 
is Browny. He likes bones. 

I have got a small red ball. We jump and run in the 
house and in the green garden.
It is summer. It is July. It is hot outside. We go to the 
garden. There are many green trees and flowers in 
the garden. I want to sleep. It is very hot. I am under 
a big tree. Browny is next to the house. He is sad. 
Oh! Browny sees a black and red bug! The bug is 
very small. The bug sits on Browny’s nose and Browny 
is scared! The puppy looks at the bug on his nose. 
Browny’s eyes are so funny! The bug can talk! He says, 
“Hi! How are you?” Browny jumps up. The bug flies 
up. The puppy runs after the bug in the garden and 
I open my eyes. What a noise! The bug plays with 
my friend. Browny jumps up and down but he can’t 
catch the bug! 
I am hungry. I drink some milk and I am happy 
now. Browny is angry. He wants to catch the bug but 
he can’t. The bug flies away.
“Fly, bug! Fly!”
What a clever bug!


1. Поставь предложения в правильном порядке

ˆ Friends go to the garden.

ˆ The bug flies away.

ˆ Browny sees a bug.

ˆ It is summer. It is July.

ˆ Flower has got a friend Browny.

ˆ Flower lives in a big house. 

ˆ The bug sits on Browny’s nose.

ˆ Flower has got a family.

2. Скажи, верны эти предложения или нет


a) Flower has got a short tail.

b) There is a forest next to the house.

c) Mother has got black hair.

d) Father wears brown trousers.

e) Lucy wears a green dress.

f) Browny likes bones.

g) Browny sees a mouse.

3. Соедини картинки с предложениями и скажи, 
что на них изображено

1. Animals have got it. It is long or short.

2. There are trees and flowers in it.

3. It is small. It can fly. It has got wings.

4. It is long. It is in Lucy’s bag.

5. It is an animal. It has got a tail.

4. Выбери правильное слово и подчеркни его

1. Flower likes eggs / bones / fish.

2. Lucy has got a nice / pink / yellow bag.

3. Father is in the kitchen / bedroom / living room.

4. The bug can jump / run / talk.

5. Flower drinks some water / milk / tea.

5. Вырежи из приложения героев, расставь их по территории дома и 

подпиши их имена

II. A birthday party

It is summer. It is August. It is warm outside. Browny 
and I are in the garden. We have got many flowers and 
trees in the garden. There are green and red apples. 
There are carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and cabbage. 
We haven’t got bananas. There is a swimming pool in 
the garden. The swimming pool is very big. We like 
swimming in summer.
It’s afternoon. It’s five o’clock. I sit in a tree and 
Browny plays with a ball. Oh, I see a mouse! It’s Browny’s 
friend. Her name is Mousy. She is a little mouse with 
a short tail. She wears a blue dress. She can’t see very 
well but she doesn’t wear glasses.
Mousy has got a big happy family. There is a mother 
mouse. She is short. Her name is Jenny. There is a father 
mouse. He is tall. His name is Jim. There are seven 
little brothers and five little sisters. Mousy’s brothers 
wear black trousers and brown hats. Mousy’s sisters 
wear white T-shirts and pink skirts. There aren’t any 
grandmothers or grandfathers. There is an uncle, an 
aunt and two cousins Pat and Betty. Mousy’s cousins 
are small. They have got red jumpers, blue shorts and 
green socks. She loves her cousins very much. They 
live next to my house.

Mousy is happy today because she has got a birthday. 
She says, “Come to my birthday party today.”
“OK,” says Browny. He is very glad. I am glad too.  
I like birthday parties. 
Mousy goes to her little brothers, sisters and cousins.
I say, “Browny, let’s give Mousy a present.”
“Yes, but what can we give her?”
“Let’s give her a balloon!”
“Have we got a balloon?” asks Browny.
“Yes, we have a nice pink balloon in the living room. 
It is a very good present for Mousy,” I say.
We go to Mousy’s house with the balloon. The family 
has got a party. We give Mousy a present. She is very 
happy. The little mice are happy too. They clap and 
sing, “Happy birthday, Mousy!” 
I am hungry. I want some cake. Oh, I see a cake! The 
birthday cake is big and nice. There are five candles 
on it. Mousy is five years old today.
I ask Mousy, “Can I have some chocolate?”
“I am sorry, but I haven’t got any chocolate. There is 
some pink, brown, yellow, purple and green ice-cream.”
Mmm... yummy! I like ice-cream!!!! 
We sit at the table and eat the cake. Browny likes the 
cake. Mousy’s cousin Liz doesn’t like purple ice-cream.
“Let’s dance!” says the mice’s mother Jenny. We dance 
and sing. Browny runs and barks. Mousy’s birthday 
party is very nice. We have so much fun!

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